Project to Support the Implementation of Strategic Mission Projects: Developing the Organization into a Green Campus and Creating Well-being within the Organization

On December 25th, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, organized a project to support the implementation of strategic missions: Developing the organization into a Green campus and creating happiness within the organization. The aim was to promote and encourage personnel to use natural resources efficiently, foster unity, love, and harmony, and to develop the faculty into a happiness-creating organization. The event was held at the Pracheep Chuphan Conference Room and also via Zoom Meeting. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Theerawit Chantip, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, presided over the opening ceremony. Prof. Emeritus Peerasak Janprateep and Assoc. Prof. Pracheep Chuphan delivered lectures, providing knowledge and insights on work practices. Additionally, there was a tree planting activity near the faculty’s sign. The event was attended by 50 participants, including administrators, faculty members, and staff.