On January 18, 2025, in celebration of the anniversary of the founding of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, the Student Organization organized a project titled “Instilling Institutional Pride and the Light of Wisdom” at the Sai Yai 70th Anniversary Multipurpose Building.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Theeravit Chanthip, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, assigned Dr. Mathuros Suwanruangsi, Associate Dean for Student Development, and Dr. Wasakorn Khoploykla, Assistant Dean for Student Development, to lead the participation.
Student leaders, including Mr. Nattachanon Saisalam, Student Council Member; Mr. Theerapat Choomsri, President of the Student Club; Mr. Thanawat Lansaai, Vice President (2nd); Ms. Nattarida Noomak, Head of Arts and Culture; Mr. Pattharaphon Kulmat, Veterinary Technology Student; Mr. Surachet Jamnongchit, Academic Officer, along with administrators, students, and staff from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, joined the event. A total of 48 participants took part in this meaningful program.